Employment Opportunities Interested in joining the Bell Landscaping family? We offer competitive pay, paid holidays and vacation time! Se Habla Espanol. We are always looking to grow our landscaping team! Complete the application below and our team will be in touch. Careers First & Last Name * Email * Current Address * Phone Number * 18 or older * YesNo Birthday * Are you a U.S Citizen? * YesNo If no, are you legally allowed to work in the U.S? Yes No Desired position * Landscape/Hardscape TechnicianLandscape Design & Sales AssociateQuad Axle Driver Desired Wage? Start Date * 1. Previous Employer * Position * Supervisor * Phone Number * Dates Employed * May We Contact? * YesNo Duties Performed * 2. Previous Employer Position Supervisor Phone Number Dates Employed May We Contact? YesNo Duties Performed 3. Previous Employer Position Supervisor Phone Number Dates Employed May We Contact? YesNo Duties Performed Do you hold a license (CDL, Hydraulic, etc) & is it up to date? YesNo Are you able to bend to lift from the ground? * YesNo Are you able to work outdoors in all seasons? * YesNo Are you able to drive a vehicle? * YesNo Are you able to do handwork with a hoe, rake or other tool? * YesNo Are you able to handle gasoline, diesel fuel, insecticides, etc.? * YesNo Are you able to spend hours on your feet? * YesNo Are you able to lift heavy loads up to 80 pounds? * YesNo Do you have pre-existing knowledge of plants, gardening and/or landscaping? * YesNo *If you answered yes to the last question, please describe here: If you answered no to any of the above questions please explain why here: Submit Application If you are human, leave this field blank.